MSF is addressing acute watery diarrhoea and cholera by establishing treatment centres and providing medical supplies amid limited healthcare access and funding. An international, independent
medical humanitarian organisation
Our Mission

Together, we are creating a better way to deal with hunger.

As the world’s hunger specialist, our primary goal is to create a better way to deal with hunger.
For more than 40 years, we have led the global movement that aims to end life-threatening hunger for good within our lifetimes. Our teams have been on the front lines, treating and preventing malnutrition across more than 45 countries.

We helped more than 17 million children and their families last year.

Help Solve Hunger Today

Action Against Hunger works not only to treat acutely malnourished children through a community-based approach, but also to improve child survival and prevent undernutrition by addressing its underlying causes.

Our technical expertise is internationally renowned, due to our 40 years of operational experience in countries with the highest burdens of hunger, and also due to our contributions to developing revolutionary nutrition products and field testing treatment protocols that have become international best practice.

3 million+ children helped

25+ years of service

198 community centers

198 community centers

From Our Community.

Working Together to End Hunger

Save children’s lives and help end hunger.

The Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) mobile clinic team is returning from the Kherson oblast (region) in southeastern Ukraine after an intense day of seeing patients. The road goes along the Inhulets river. Cows are grazing on the green slopes along the bank, and the fields are ripening, but the destroyed buildings in every village we pass and the ‘Beware of mines’ signs constantly remind us of the war.

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